Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Voice Lessons

Voice lessons in NYC can run anywhere from $70-$250 an hour.  On my babysitting budget, that’s just not something I can do, but voice lessons are just something I need to do for my career.

I had been shopping around for a voice teacher for a long time, and kept ending up on the New York Vocal Coaching website.  Everything they talk about on the site was exciting to me, and I knew I wanted to study there.  There is a tiny part on the website that talks about scholarship opportunities for students with an extreme need and an extreme passion for singing.  After wrestling with it for a few days, I decided to go ahead and apply.  I wasn’t really expecting anything to come of it, so I was thrilled when I found out that I had been awarded a scholarship!
Yesterday was my first voice lesson, and it exceeded all my expectations.  My teacher is supportive, encouraging, and incredibly knowledgeable.  Our lesson was an hour long, and I feel like he presented me with enough challenges to keep me busy for ages!  I am so excited to see how I grow as a performer over the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Megan, I am so excited that you were pleased with your first lesson. I am glad that your room
    is at the back so you can go in there and sing your heart away!
