Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December!

I wanted to do a crafty post today and show some of what I've been knitting over the past few weeks...but I can't because I'm giving them as Christmas presents.

So instead, I'll just do another Christmasy post :)  I am so excited that it's the first day of December.  Christmas is just around the corner!

I got this cutesy Christmas ring at Target last week. 
It's metal, and looks just like a gift wrap bow.

Amber's mom gave us each a sparkly, real mini Christmas tree to take home afer Thanksgiving! It's covered in silver pretty!  I made the picture on the right blurry so you can really see the sparkles.

And last but not least, look what was on sale on Black Friday at Target!  Only $5!  I can't believe I didn't already own this, because I am all about Christmas movies...


  1. Love the ring!! I watched ELF for the first time when I was in NB for Thanksgiving.

  2. Thanks!

    Did you love Elf? Isn't it cute?!
