Thursday, February 2, 2012

Candles...random...but yeah, candles

Not really sure why, but today I'm talking about candles.  I just love scented candles.  Smell is such a strong sense, and I love how a scent can immediately bring good memories to mind.  When I get home from work I love lighting a candle and working at my desk.

For Christmas, my little sister Macy gave me this amazing Slatkin & Co. candle from Bath & Body Works. Not sure how she knew I would love it...maybe because when we were in the store I handed it to her and told her I loved it :) Anyway, it really is so good. 

It's called Mahogany Teakwood.  Now I don't know if it smells like mahogany or teakwood, but it smells awesome.  You know when you're walking through a mall and you know there is an Abercrombie & Fitch nearby just because you can smell it?  That's exactly what this candle smells like.  That's a guy smell, so I wondered if it would be weird for my room to smell like that.  Nope.  Not weird, wonderful.  It's so super strong that I never burn it for very long.  Just long enough to let the wax melt all around the top so it burns cleanly.  Even after you blow it out the scent stays for hours.  Good stuff.

This is my all time FAVORITE candle.  It's Bird of Paradise by Circle E Candles, based out Fredericksburg, Texas.  I also don't know if this smells like a bird of paradise flower.  What I can tell you is that it smells so good I just want to eat it.  It smells sweet (but not sickeningly sweet), sort of like strawberry frosting.  Meh...that's not a very good description.  Trust me, it just smells heavenly.

My family moved to a house in the country when I was in Jr. High school.  My mom always had one of these burning in our new house, so the smell just takes me right back.  It makes me feel safe, happy, and like I don't live 1,500 miles away from my family.  I have these shipped to me all the way from Fredericksburg.  They're that good.